WallPics Picture Tiles & Photo Tiles Notes:
A Guide to Choose Frames for
Your Wall Picture Frames.

  • Picture Tiles
  • Photo Tiles
  • Wall Picture Frames
  • WallPics
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Wallpics Notes: A Guide
to Choose Frames for Your Photos

Probably everybody has amazing photos or drawings that they really want to see on any wall in their home. However, it is pretty hard to start. What should you do? You can try to place your picture into a ready-made frame that you ordered online or even put it in an old frame, which you did not use for a while. Choosing frames for photos is an art, just like the photo itself. Before choosing the best option, you need to think seriously. So let's present some tips for choosing frames for your shots.

1. Choose the style of a frame according to the mood of a photo

Different frames are suitable for different photos. When choosing a frame, it is very important to think about the atmosphere and style of your picture. For example, if you have a black and white photo, you should probably consider a stylish black frame. In the case of the shots with children, you can use a cute frame with additional elements, for instance, flowers or balloons. So think about their compatibility. If you can create synergy between your photo and the frame, you can create a more dramatic decoration for any room.

2. Choose your frame: customized or ready-made?

When it comes to photo frames, there are at least two options. The first is to buy a ready-made frame and the second is to create an individual frame according to your own design. Each variant has its own characteristics. In the case of ready-made frames, despite the great variety, it can sometimes be difficult to find the one that suits your taste. On the other hand, if you want to order customized frames for photos, you should responsibly look for a good store or platform that creates such a product. It would be nice to be able to study the quality of the material in advance. Of course, if you try, you are sure to satisfy your needs.

By the way, don't just think about these two options. Nowadays there are many opportunities to turn your photos into decoration. For example, you can print your pictures on canvas. This is a good alternative to framed photos. Its distinctive feature is the accent directly on your shot. This is possible due to the lack of a framework. You can try it on the platforms like Wallpics.

3. Choose the size of a frame

An important aspect to consider when buying photo frames is their size. Ready-made frames are available in predefined sizes, but in the case of non-standard ones, you can choose the size according to your ideas and needs. You can simply specify the exact parameters of your photo, and the master will create a frame that exactly fits the work of art. So when you use customized frames for photos, there is no need to crop the valuable snapshot to make it fit the frame.

4. Choose a suitable color for your frame

There are many factors to consider when choosing a frame color. It is very important to choose a color that will complement the current interior design of your home or the specific room where the frame will be placed. Try using the colors that will blend in with your existing wall and furniture colors. But don't forget to think about how they match the photo. With these (and other) factors in mind, you will choose a great frame option that will fit the context of your living space.

5. Choose the finish and style for your frame

Frames are available in a wide variety of finishes: painted, decorative, foil, etc. Choosing a frame for a particular photo can be a snap. For example, an ornate frame would work for family photographs or classic artwork printed on canvas, while lacquer frames are ideal for modern style pictures. But there are no strict rules. Choosing your photo frames is all you need, so do whatever you want. There are really many styles, so you will definitely find one that suits your taste.

6. Consider the conditions

The necessary conditions for the artwork should determine your choice of frame. For example, photos, drawings, and prints on glossy paper are likely to get exposed to adverse humidity and temperature. Therefore, you should ensure that the frame will protect the artwork from these problems.

The prerequisites for the artwork should dictate your choice of frame. For example, photographs, drawings, and prints on glossy paper can be exposed to unfavorable humidity and temperature. Therefore, you must make sure that the frame protects them from these problems. In most cases, a photo should be placed in a glazed frame. This prevents it from coming into direct contact with the sun's rays. In addition, dust will settle on the glass. But it is much easier and safer to dust off glass than your picture. On the other hand, oil and acrylic paintings may not be ideal candidates for glazing, especially if the surface they are printed on is rigid (for example, a board).


Choosing a photo frame isn't always like walking in the park, but knowing all the nuances of this process will make it much easier. First of all, think carefully about the style of your photo and its main color. Then consider the style of interior decoration of the room where you plan to hang your picture. Another important point is indoor conditions. High humidity and sunlight can be dangerous for your photography, so consider that as well. When you know all these factors, you can proceed directly to the choice of frames for your shots. Should you order a customized frame or buy a ready-made one? Should it be large or small? Think also about its style, finish and color. This way you will choose the best frame for your favorite photo and then decorate the wall with it in one of your rooms.