WallPics: Cutting-Edge Canvas Prints & Canvas
Photo Prints Design Decision for Any Room.

  • Canvas Print
  • Canvas Prints
  • Canvas Photo Prints
  • WallPics
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canvas prints
canvas prints

Wallpics: Cutting-Edge Design Decision
for Any Room

canvas prints

Changing the atmosphere or style of your home (or just a room) has never been easier. Nowadays, without the professional help of an interior designer, as well as without using any special tools, you can add something new to the design of any room. Canvas photo prints are a modern and trendy option for such things. Change the style of your dining room or bedroom and add more light and warmth to your home. Or perhaps you want to create a wall installation to impress your family, friends, and guests. Do what you want.

To do this, you just need to use your precious photo collection. Or if you want, you can take new different photos that match your current mood. Then choose the best ones and upload them to the Wallpics website or app. After that, you can customize the uploaded shots as you like. Finally, submit them. If you run into any problem, the Wallpics support team will kindly help you. You can now complete your purchase. Delivery is free and pretty fast. After a few days of waiting, you will receive your canvas photo prints.

canvas prints
canvas prints
canvas prints
canvas prints

High quality

To make your room look different, you need to choose not only the best photos. The selected pictures should be in high definition. This way you will get quality canvas prints. The Wallpics team will take care of your precious photos and never let them lose their resolution. In addition, if you want your canvas prints to be in good condition at all times, you need to maintain them properly. But don't worry, no special care is required. Just be careful and wipe them down regularly with a rag. This way they will last you really long.

canvas prints

No damage, no marks

The high-quality canvas prints from Wallpics, thanks to technological progress, will never damage any wall in any room of your home. You don't need to use nails or screws to hang them or drill a hole in the wall. This way you will not leave horrible scars on your valuable walls. The process of installation of canvas photo prints is pretty simple and doesn't require any special skills. Just stick them with the special double-sided adhesive. Moreover, thanks to this adhesive, you can move them from one wall to another without leaving unwanted, unsightly marks on the walls. Do you want to move you photo tiles to another room? Think about this question and then just do it.

Fully customized

One of the most important (probably even the most important) things about Wallpics canvas photo prints is that they are completely customized. There is no need in using boring templates. You can create any idea and then embody it. But if you have some troubles with idea generating, let us introduce some of the variants of how canvas photo prints can be used. They are just for your inspiration.

Abstract style

Using an abstract style of pictures to make your room look different is a really good decision. Just look at your probably ordinary room. Do you want to change something? If your answer is yes, how about adding a little extravagant ambiance to your living space? Pick the best abstract art on the Internet that you can find. How about Liang Kai's "Ink Splatter Immortal"? Or what can you say about Francis Picabia's "Rubber"? Or do you prefer FrantiĊĦek Kupka's "Two-Color Fugue"? The main idea is that you should choose the ones that impress you because if you can impress yourself, people will also appreciate it. This unusual theme will probably suit any interior. Just think about it and try it if you like.

Your own drawings

This option may be interesting to a person who loves painting. Do you like spending time drawing a new exciting picture? If you don't have your drawings in a form of canvas art (probably because you paint digitally), how about turning some of them into canvas prints? You can browse your collection and think about the paintings you want to see on the walls. By the way, what room should it be? This is also a pretty important question, so think about it. If you are painting digitally, you can use any basic image format. If you're drawing on paper, grab a smartphone or camera and take a high-resolution photo. And now you can finally upload them to the Wallpics site or app. Adjust them, submit them, and place an order. Once your canvas prints are received, you can finally hang them wherever you want. Transform your living room into a one-man show and demonstrate your pictures to your family and friends. Or perhaps you want to see them in private, so you can just hang them on the wall in your bedroom.

Final thoughts

If you want to change something in the interior design of your home, you can count on the help of Wallpics. Take together your own wishes and ideas and combine them on a trendy, contemporary platform to create a decoration for your house. While you are responsible for the creative part of the project, the Wallpics professional team takes care of the rest. The high-quality photo tiles will be delivered free of charge in a matter of days. Shipping is pretty safe (the Wallpics team does everything to protect your order). Use canvas prints to personalize any room in your home and make it more attractive. Just give it a try. It is easier than it seems to be.